Wednesday, February 17, 2010

17 Days Down, 984 to Go!

Well not much has been going on. The post card I showed you a picture of reached its destination in Germany! That is 3 sent and received but none received by me yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Here is the picture of two more cards that I am sending today:

From 101-In-1001

The first one is going to Taiwan and the second is going to the Netherlands I believe! Hitting the mailbox today!

My change jar is being set back a little because I am taking some change out to donate to the Partner With Youth Campaign at work--the kids I work with are having a "Penny War" so I'm going to help them out.

Made another new dinner recipe--some sweet Swedish Meatballs and they turned out really good! I made them for Matt last night and he liked them but I forgot to take a picture :(
Quilt, Journal, and Number 93 are coming along with the Quilt being the slowest mainly because I have so little free time this month. Perhaps that will change soon. I'm also doing really good about taking my vitamin every day so I'm pretty proud of that!

1 comment:

  1. Cool Idea Jessica. Not sure how I happened upon your blog but I am glad I did. It is inspiring to see you cross things off your list!
